Saturday, July 18, 2009

Would You Jump?

i was talking about teeth. see, my mom has braces, and i'l probably end up with them at some point too, which is good. i mean, who doesn't want pretty teeth. but the braces aren't just for looks, a lot of times it's to keep your teeth healthy and in line and all that jazz. but anyway, i was thinking about teeth. not just my teeth, but teeth in general. it seems that everywhere i go, there's some model or actor/actress or whatnot, be it on TV or the cover of a magazine, that has no flaws whatsoever. perfect pearly whites, a tan that's just the right shade of gold, luscious hair and all those other things people strive every day to have. i don't understand. where did the idea come from that perfection was essential? why do we need it? if we were all perfect, what would the world be like? there wouldn't be any beauty at all. and beauty, mind you, is not defined by what jean size you happen to be. all around me i see, not only teenagers, but grown people trying to match this invisible, unreachable, standard our society has set for us. tell me, what's the fun in worrying about what the person sitting three tables down from you in the cafe is thinking about your outfit? for the longest time, i felt that i was in a box, on display for those around me to judge, and i was supposed to soak all their opinions in and somehow perfect my image. but nothing ever worked. and i didn't feel free either, i wasn't being myself. i was defining myself by what i did and how i dressed to follow the crowd. not fun at all. i know you've heard that old clique question that your mom would always ask you when you wanted to go out with your friends when you knew, as well as she did, that they weren't going to be doing something that would make you very proud. if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump too? well, would you? it happens every day. every day, someone somewhere chooses to jump. i've jumped, and i always seemed to find myself landing right back into that box. the box i couldn't seem to fit in. the box i began to hate just as much as i hated myself for jumping. but then i asked myself 'why'. why did i jump? was it to somehow feel accepted? and then it occurred to me, yeah. everyone wants acceptance. but, maybe that's not it. maybe the truth is no one's going to feel accepted because no one is the same, and us humans can't seem to accept people for who they are. there's no one in the world just like you, or just like me. which means differences are inevitable. the key is to just enjoy being you for as long as you can, cause life is short and living your life in a box? i mean, really? who wants to be stuffed into a box anyway?

Friday, July 17, 2009

The First Post

this is a blog. a blog not only for teen stuff, but for everyday life. i'm here to reach out into the world and voice my opinions, answer questions as best i can, suggest music, books, ideas...anything. no, i don't have all the answers, but i do know someone who does. yeah, i'm a christian. and if you're not, don't let this push you away. we're not much different; just searching for answers.